Forums / In game politics / Who hates abydos?

Who hates abydos?
13:23:22 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

can you message me in game please i would like to talk, privetly.

13:34:43 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:


13:35:19 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:


13:35:28 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

rofl <3

14:11:21 Mar 30th 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:


14:15:34 Mar 30th 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

i hate them, but it's the best i can do :-p

14:23:50 Mar 30th 07 - Lady Spooky:

I've always loved Abydos even when I hated them :P

14:26:02 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

lol i know their lovely people but they just get so annoying

14:55:43 Mar 30th 07 - Sir Salaraca:

they scare me, well ive never had anything to do with them but... they scare me.

15:00:46 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

I dont hate Abydos i just really hate Falazar. He has been cheating on me again and i JUST CANT ACCEPT THAT!! COME BACK TO ME NOW!

15:21:18 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Oya:

bloody abydos, i fecking hate everything about them, going around like gods, having people bow pathetically at their knees, it annoys me they have so much power!!! bastards!! DIEEEE ABYDOS!!!!

15:26:30 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

but they do have that one hot boy- i'd gladly bow too ;)

15:35:22 Mar 30th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

Yea and there are some CRAZY people!!!!!
I hate them for being crazy. i just really hate Falazar to hes just to sexy to be playing :P. And Oya I hate him to for bing so damn powerfull

I HATE ABYDOS thats why im part of it LOL

15:43:45 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Lecter:

ha ha i really cant say much as i was part of abydos for at least three eras that i can remember, and my memory sucks big time. but i shall never bow to abydos.

16:24:02 Mar 30th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

lol Mr. Lecter no need to bow :P just have fun thats what this game is for

16:27:04 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Mugger:

Let's make an Anti Abydos Alliance. AAA.
People who are amazed by our force would say out loud our name immediatly if they say something like 'Aaaaah'.

16:37:43 Mar 30th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Wow, we must be doign rather well, we have full out hate threads now :}

On another note I must applaud Abydos, because as a newer player in a small kingdom I showed potential, stood up to them and was promptly courted with numerous gifts and finally recruited..... So you shoudlnt hate them just cause they stomped ya... Show us what ya can do, and you will get in our KD or someone powerful :}

Good luck

16:41:14 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

hey i'm going to make my kingdom powerful not get into one

17:03:08 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

It's good to see you still can show modesty even if you are such a potent, worthy player Falazar :)

17:17:54 Mar 30th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Thanks :}  I have to regard myself as a little more mature and secure in myself than many here,
and Minerva, good luck on that, and I encourage you, just dont get frustrated as it is very very difficult, your main goal will be to learn the tricks and recuirt high level players to you... but spending even a few rounds in a larger kingdom will give you lots of information as well...
  And any small kingdom will have to show its worth in Fantasia for many rounds before anyone will even take them seriously unfort.
Talk with some of the ppl that were in Jesters, they can tell you... they almost became a power...

19:03:56 Mar 30th 07 - Lady Mifune:

Uh...Fal...we're coming back next era...we just decided to go out and check out those bigger kingdoms to learn.  We aren't

19:06:34 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

hmm im suprised kds take in people they know will leave next era :P

19:09:10 Mar 30th 07 - Prince Insomaniak:

I dont hate Abydos, I loathe them!!! honestly who'd even want to play alongside people like that...very unhonorable all the time...I've heard they've payed a few smaller KD's to attack eachother for a few colorfull stones...and then when those came OOP, Abydos decided to cleanse their area and manifest themselves on that spot like everyone else would've done if they had overwhelming numbers and players who know what their doing...oh yeah...and I forgot to mention...I really hate them sooo much right now...they've build a feckin pyramid in my backyard ffs!!!

19:24:41 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Pesterd:

lol your part of abydos. falazar kick him for being disrespectful then once your kicked join the dark fires.

minerva we might get another player YES!lol

19:36:37 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Bobson:

I don't hate Abydos. Abydos is good. Only today they've sent to death about 8k good fighting units just to "make my day". can someone hate such a careful and loving Kingdom? Just..too bad there aren't many players to love them as i do.

19:39:20 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Amunra:

minerva is so smart that even after being killed by us she goes and builds another colony in our core...

19:39:38 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Amunra:

and i hate abydos!

19:45:01 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Xero:

better question : Who doesnt?

19:46:41 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Twamao:


21:43:59 Mar 30th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Osi suxx0rs. No really! You should've seen him and Swifteh the other day.

21:51:20 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Swifty:

wtf about me? :O

22:05:46 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

i think he meant the real swifty

22:11:38 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

Mr. Swifty, 99% of the references to "Swifty" on the VU forums are meant for the real Swifty, and not you. =P

22:18:07 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xvi:

ah abydos hiss and suchlike... ah ahm not very good at this....em....they are bad....reeealy waz dat ?

22:20:43 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

no i want to make a MAP with someone

22:23:06 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

a map wont help you atm :P

22:24:25 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

what about a map to mantrax? :P

22:27:18 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

and would you be so kind as to explain to me why? and maybe even give me a better opition?

22:28:13 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

because no one who maps a kd that small will be able to come and crush abydos before you die again

22:29:40 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

You never met a bi-polar war hungry woman then?

22:30:28 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

No, but he's met an ejaculating, penor hungry horse.

22:31:55 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

well you can want war all you want but you will just die over and over as long as your near us :)

22:32:50 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

lol, Trust me you don't want to annoy me when i have nothing to lose, plus its only a game
(Edited by Ms. Minerva 3/30/2007 10:37:29 PM)

22:39:32 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

oh no what are you going to do? you said it yourself you have nothing to lose thus nothing to fight with

22:41:41 Mar 30th 07 - Ms. Minerva:

no that does not mean i have nothing to fight with hunny it just means i don't mind sending my only army to kill your sorry ass, sorry for using that kind of lanuage.

22:47:43 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

your still in protection :) you wont have anything to fight with

22:49:25 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xvi:

yer ya dont wanna get her angry check the kassius race rpg thred *shudders* anyway ppl underestimate small kds way too much ...and thats wen they get bit on da ass :P

22:50:33 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

small kds maybe but kds with 1% of our power? thier is no underestimating that

22:52:51 Mar 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xvi:

again gettin 2 sure of yourself, sure ur kd has a lot more power but what about indavidual mambers, you may be able to give us a hiding but you have no idea how many members of your kd we could take down with us...ppl always think ther invulnerable when they have loads of members in ther kd
(Edited by Mr. Kassius Xvi 3/30/2007 10:53:32 PM)

22:57:35 Mar 30th 07 - Lord Osiris:

none would be my guess they all have more power alone then your whole kd atm

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